Why is Tree Pruning So Expensive?

Tree pruning is an intense job that requires a lot of skill and safety precautions. It is a difficult and dangerous task that can be expensive due to the risk involved. Arbolists not only prune trees, but also remove dead branches and trees that may be hanging from houses and other valuables. One wrong cut and you could send 5,000 pounds of wood into someone's living room.

In addition, there is a reason why the tree is being removed. It is often considered high risk or represents a hazard on site. Tree crews are regularly asked to work on trees with a compromised structure due to storm damage or years of neglect. These compromised trees are often dead trees, which are particularly dangerous.

A tree that has been dead for several years usually becomes brittle and inflexible. When you try to cut it, controlling the direction of the fall is a challenge and it often breaks, throwing broken branches out of control. Often, arboriculturists are in trees that have electrical conductors running through the branches. That risky situation should speak for itself. Insuring employees is also an expensive factor when it comes to tree pruning.

Do you have any idea how much it costs to secure an employee hanging from a rope in a tree with a chainsaw? It's not cheap!The location of the tree is also important, since some pruning work requires much more time compared to others. If you don't have a driveway and the tree is in the backyard, talk to your neighbor to allow the contractor to access your tree through your yard. Trees in strong and healthy conditions will cost you more in removal costs, compared to a weak and dying tree. Exceptions to the rule include fruit trees, which must be pruned annually, and evergreen trees, which very rarely need to be pruned. Do your own due diligence before hiring a professional to cut your tree, so that you are prepared to know the process and are prepared to ask the pertinent questions during the interview process. Although different trees enter their dormant season at different stages, there is a basic seasonal pattern you can follow for general tree care. Trees that are removed often need to be cut into sections to prevent the entire tree or large pieces from falling onto the grass or landscape or street.

Unless you've pruned trees in the past, chances are you'll have to make an expensive trip to your local hardware store before starting your project. News accounts are full of accident reports involving untrained tree workers, or even homeowners, trying to cut down a tree without knowing how it will respond to the cut. So always check with your tree care company to make sure they can validate proper insurance before starting to work on the trees. Just remember, if you prune too much without any prior knowledge, you could have a negative impact on your tree. Pruning large trees also poses a greater safety risk than small trees - so it's important to take proper precautions and have the right equipment in place before attempting any DIY projects.

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